How to Decode Pet Food Nutrition Labels

Choosing the right food for your furry friend is an important, but often confusing, pet ownership responsibility. With the overwhelming variety of pet foods available, understanding how to read a pet food label is essential to ensure your four-legged friend receives the proper nutrients for optimal health. Our Livingston Veterinary Hospital team walks you through [...]

Chew on This: Safe and Unsafe Chew Toys for Dogs

Few gestures can get your dog’s tail wagging more than surprising them with a new chew toy. Chew toys are great for keeping your dog entertained while promoting chewing habits that support their health and wellbeing. Although chewing is a natural and necessary canine behavior, not all chew toys are created equal, and some can [...]

Winner’s Dinner: Recipe for a Pet-Friendly Thanksgiving

You are sure that this Thanksgiving is shaping up to be the best yet—you’ve made your grocery list and checked it twice, made space in your refrigerator for all those leftovers, and managed to keep the family from fighting long enough to RSVP. But, have you factored your pet into what’s sure to be a [...]

Sweet, Sweet Poison: Chocolate Toxicity in Pets

Two big chocolate-indulging holidays are approaching, and you likely will have lots of this sweet, sugary, melt-in-your-mouth treat in your home. Most people and pets find chocolate irresistible, but chocolate affects people and pets differently—people can metabolize chocolate’s components, but chocolate in all forms is dangerous for pets. Learn all about chocolate toxicity in pets. [...]

Tips to Prepare Pets for the Back-to-School Transition

A new school year brings many changes to your family’s schedule, and these changes can be stressful for pets who thrive on predictability. Like human family members, pets need time and support to adjust to a new routine. Our Livingston Veterinary Hospital team shares tips to help you ensure a safe and stress-free back-to-school transition [...]

What Dog Owners Should Know About Parvovirus

Parvovirus poses a significant risk to puppies and unvaccinated dogs, and this highly contagious disease is often fatal if not treated appropriately. Our Livingston Veterinary Hospital team knows how devastating parvovirus can be, and we offer information about this condition and explain how you can decrease your dog’s risk. Canine parvovirus basics Canine parvovirus-1 (CPV-1) [...]

What is a Zoonotic Disease?

Pets have lived alongside people for thousands of years, providing companionship and protection, performing specific jobs, and improving lives. But, unfortunately, despite all the good that pets add to your life, they also have the potential to transmit harmful diseases to the humans in your household.  Zoonotic diseases are transmissible between pets and people. Public [...]

Keeping Pets with Noise Aversion Safe on July Fourth

Most pets are startled by loud noises, but up to two-thirds of dogs go beyond the basic startle response and feel anxiety or fear for minutes to hours after the noise. This diagnosable anxiety disorder is called noise aversion. Unfortunately, most pet owners don’t realize their pets are affected and do not seek treatment, especially [...]

Pet Kidney Failure 101

Numerous factors can contribute to kidney failure, a potentially life-threatening condition for your pet. The kidneys are critical for numerous important bodily functions, including waste removal, water conservation, red blood cell production, electrolyte and mineral balance, blood pressure regulation, and protein preservation. The Livingston Veterinary Hospital team knows that healthy kidneys are important for your [...]

Keep Your Kids Safe Around Pets

A child who grows up with an animal often develops a special bond and lifelong friendship with their pet. Many pets endure children’s antics. Your pet may patiently comply with their favorite small human dressing them up and squeezing them tight with delight. However, some pets are unable to tolerate this loving attention. Therefore, to [...]

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